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The Most Effective Ways to Leverage Social Media in Marketing Your Commercial Property

Otso Team
March 12, 2024
5 minute read

In the current social media-driven world, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a presence on platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. But while many companies know they need Social Media Marketing (SMM), few are aware of how this strategy can be used specifically for commercial real estate leasing. From finding prospective tenants through lead generation to creating an online community via blogs or video channels that tenants want to join, SMM is one way you might just find your next tenant! The difference between social media and traditional branding is that SMM provides an easy way to generate leads and close deals with potential tenants, without investing in expensive billboards or hiring costly commercial developers. AI-driven targeting allows entrepreneurs to get their message out there while saving millions on advertising costs!

Before we go into tips, you are probably wondering which platforms you should be active in so here is some information about each one.

Instagram: Image-heavy platform with ongoing conversations within the community. Instagram has been dubbed “the new billboard” by commercial real estate agency Cushman and Wakefield because tenants can post images of themselves in office spaces they might be interested in leasing, opening a conversation to show interest while also promoting your property.

LinkedIn: A professional network that allows you to connect and communicate with other professionals in the commercial real estate field as well as prospective commercial lease prospects for your building. LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms among commercial landlords according to research conducted by MarketingProfs. LinkedIn gives you access to information about potential tenants through their profiles which are often filled out more than on Facebook or Twitter due to its professional nature.

Facebook: Builds technologies that give people the power to connect with friends and family, find communities and grow businesses. Facebook is a great place to learn more about commercial property management and marketing. It also provides marketers with the ability to plan, execute, track and measure campaigns that are most effective in achieving their goals. This capability not only increases success rates but also decreases wasted resources by focusing on what works best for your business needs. Reducing unproductive time may be just as important as increasing return on investment (ROI).

Twitter: Promotes communication between Twitter users following each other’s tweets or sending messages called “tweets” from person to person. Twitter can help you find businesses that want commercial properties near them so they can grow their company or expand into different markets enabling you to list an open commercial property according to the location preferences of new tenants.

Here are a few ways commercial real estate owners can leverage social media to attract tenants and show them what it’s like to work at your property.

– Post photos or videos of the space (who is there, happy tenants). Instagram has a huge reach – it has 400 million monthly active users – so if you post high-quality pictures of the space, people will see them and want to lease space with you. posting pictures or videos with captions about the building’s amenities, office spaces available, contact information, and so forth.

– You can also create contests on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn for commercial tenants by holding competitions over who has the best commercial idea.

– Share company culture by posting pictures that let potential tenants know how they would feel working in your building.

– Invite people who are interested in commercial leasing via Facebook and Instagram Stories participation so that new followers may see posts from multiple perspectives on any given day.

-Use hashtags on social media posts so that people can find your commercial spaces.

-Create interactive and informative content, such as podcasts or webinars about commercial leasing in general.

– Partnering up with other companies in order to get better exposure – if there’s something they’re doing related to commercial real estate, ask if they want to promote it together. It all comes down to keeping any marketing efforts fresh and new!

You can also hire a firm to do all of this for you. Our friends at HelloJenny or RealtyAds are great places to start. Hellojenny is a conduit between a property’s overall leasing strategy and the audiences reached through social media via retailers, influencers, and the community. With over 320 million square feet of assets across 81 markets, the RealtyAds SaaS marketing platform uses artificial intelligence to help real estate generate exposure to a hyper-targeted audience, at a fair price and without complexity.

The Bottom Line: When used correctly, Social Media Marketing (SMM) provides commercial property owners with an easy way to generate leads and close deals! The current environment deems social media marketing as a necessary part of the commercial real estate marketing strategy. This means designing customized content based on what’s trending locally; be sure to do your research and not just post content that’s popular nationally. It also means posting consistently, be it on social media platforms or blog sites like this one! Social Media Marketing is a powerful tool in commercial property marketing but without the right strategy and time put into it, commercial real estate owners are missing out on opportunities to utilize SMM as an effective marketing channel for their properties.

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